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Listing of file extensions starting with the letter P
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.P - Applause Picture
.P - Cliq Accessories Datebook Permissions
.P - Pascal Source Code
.P - Progress 4GL Program
.P00 - C64 emulator file
.P01 - IsoBuster File
.P10 - Tektronix Plot 10 Drawing
.P10 - Certificate Request
.P12 - Personal Information Exchange File
.P16 - 16 Channel Music file
.P21 - Express Step Data Model
.P22 - Patch file
.P2P - FolderShare Placeholder File
.P2Z - Compressed Poser Pose File
.P3 - Project Planner file
.P3D - 3D Graphic
.P3E - PC-Doctor file
.P3I - PC-Doctor file
.P3P - Platform for Privacy Preferences
.P3T - PlayStation 2 Theme File
.P56 - Patch
.P5W - Ressource
.P64 - Picasso 64 image format
.P65 - PageMaker Document File
.P7B - PKCS #7 Certificate
.P7C - PKCS #7 Certificate
.P7M - Internet Digital ID
.P7M - PKCS #7 MIME Message
.P7R - Certificate Request Response
.P7S - PKCS #7 Digitally Signed Message
.P96 - Win96 Database File
.P97 - Win97 Database File
.PA - Print Artist Project file
.PA1 - Worktable
.PA3 - Turbo Pascal Dos file
.PA4 - Turbo Pascal Dos file
.PA5 - Turbo Pascal Dos file
.PAB - Personal Address Book
.PAC - Package file
.PAC - Image
.PACKAGE - Linux Autopackage File
.PACKAGE - The Sims 2 Package File
.PACT - Compact Pro Archive
.PACT - Compactor data file
.PACT - Archive created by Compactor Pro
.PAD - Keypad definition
.PAE - Projet Personal AVI Editor
.PAE - PowerArchiver Encrypted Archive File
.PAF - Personal Ancestry File
.PAF.EXE - PortableApps.com Program File
.PAG - Visual Basic property PAGe file
.PAG - Lmsoft-Hypermedia page
.PAGES - Pages Document
.PAK - Compressed Archive File
.PAK - WAD file
.PAL - A compressed file
.PAL - Color palette
.PALM - Programming
.PAM - Tonline Ob4hbci Smartupdate file
.PAN - Printer specific file
.PANDO - Pando File
.PANE - Preferences Pane
.PANL - CodeWarrior Prefs Panel
.PAP - Tree Professional Palm Creator Image File
.PAP - Corel Painter Texture File
.PAQ - Password encrypted zip file
.PAQ6 - PAQ6 Data Archive
.PAQ7 - PAQ7 Data Archive
.PAQ8 - PAQ8 Data Archive
.PAR - Windows 3.x Swap File
.PAR - Parameter
.PAR2 - Parchive 2 Index File
.PARAM - Kosima scripts file
.PART - Partial Download File
.PART1 - Netobjects Fusion Netobjects System File
.PART2 - Netobjects Fusion Netobjects System File
.PARTIMG - Partimage File
.PAS - Pascal Source Code
.PAT - Hatch pattern file
.PAT - Pattern file
.PAT - Patch file
.PAT - Warcraft2 exe Patch utility
.PATCH - Gen patch file
.PATTERN - Photoline5 Defaults file
.PB - Fax
.PB - Phone book
.PB - Setup file
.PB1 - Document
.PBA - Source code file
.PBA - Allen Bradley Panel Builder File
.PBA - PersonalBrain XML
.PBB - MS Mail Address Information File
.PBD - Phone book
.PBD - Dynamic Library (DLL Alternative)
.PBF - Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File
.PBH - PowerBasic Help file
.PBI - Include file
.PBI - Profiler binary input file
.PBK - Microsoft Phonebook
.PBK - HP-95 Phone Book
.PBL - Library file used in a development environment
.PBL - PowerBasic library
.PBM - Portable Bitmap Graphic File
.PBM - Planar bitmap graphic
.PBMV - Portable Bitmap file
.PBN - Portable Bridge Notation file
.PBO - Profiler binary output
.PBP - Perl Builder file
.PBP - Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) Firmware Update File
.PBPROJ - Project Builder Project
.PBR - Resource file
.PBS - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PBT - Profiler binary table
.PBU - Powerbasic units (version 3.2)
.PBV - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PC - Text file
.PC1 - Atari Degas Image / Bitmap graphics
.PC2 - Atari Degas Image / Bitmap graphics
.PC3 - AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File
.PC5 - Rockwell Software Logix 5 File
.PC6 - PowerCADD 6 Drawing File
.PC7 - PowerCADD 7 Drawing File
.PC8 - Ascii text IBM8 character set
.PC? - 2D Graphic
.PCA - PCAnywhere Registry Backup file
.PCAP - Packet Capture
.PCAP - WireShark Network Analysis File
.PCAST - iTunes Podcast file format
.PCB - Application data file
.PCC - Cutout picture vector graphics
.PCD - ImagePac Photo CD
.PCD - Visual Test
.PCD - Images CD Creator Corel Adaptec
.PCD - P-Code Compiled Test Scripts
.PCD - Kodak Image File
.PCD2 - Pfaff Creative Designer 2 for Windows
.PCE - Maps Eudora mailbox names to DOS filenames
.PCF - HP-95 Printer Configuration
.PCF - Pixel Coordination Format
.PCF - Cisco VPN Client Configuration
.PCFA - DOS Executable
.PCFL - SoftWindows Binary
.PCG - Graphics file
.PCH - Pre-compiled Header
.PCH - Patch File
.PCI - PCI Miniport file
.PCJ - Multimedia authoring tool graphics
.PCK - Pickfile
.PCL - Printer Control Language file
.PCM - Audio file
.PCM - PCM file
.PCMOD - PC Model chemical modeller input file
.PCN - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PCP - Live Update Pro file
.PCP - Plotter Configuration File
.PCQ - Pfaff Creative Designer for Windows
.PCR - PCR Graphic Image
.PCR - image format
.PCS - Animation
.PCS - Picture storage file
.PCT - Macintosh PICT Drawing
.PCTL - PageMaker Reg File
.PCV - MozBackup Mozilla Profile Backup
.PCW - Text file
.PCX - PC Paintbrush Bitmap Image
.PCX_ - PCX Graphic
.PC[1-3] - Degas / Degas Elite image format
.PD - Paradox table
.PD - Male Normal CT image format
.PD3 - 3DS Max
.PD4 - Windows Live! Photo Gallery Information
.PD5 - Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File
.PDA - Bitmap graphic file
.PDAS - PDAStore Data Store File
.PDB - Pegasus DataBase
.PDB - 3Com Palmpilot Database File
.PDB - Tact File
.PDB - QuickPOS Database File
.PDB - Program Database
.PDC - Encrypted PDC File
.PDD - Adobe Photoshop Image Document
.PDE - Principalm Student Information Extract
.PDF - Portable Document Format
.PDF_ - Portable Documente Filpdf
.PDF_ - Acrobat files (PC ext: PDF)
.PDF_ - Acrobat files
.PDG - Print Shop Deluxe : Data
.PDG - SSReader eBook
.PDI - MS Powerpoint IMPORT/EXPORT File
.PDI - IBM VideoTex
.PDL - Project description language file
.PDM - Physical model file
.PDN - Paint.NET Image
.PDO - Access Package Deployment Script
.PDP - Print Shop Deluxe file
.PDQ - Flowcharting PDQ Lite file
.PDR - Windows Port Driver
.PDR - Symbian OS Printer Resource File
.PDS - NASA Planetary Data System
.PDS - PDS Graphic
.PDS - Telsis HiCall Program File
.PDS - PowerDirector Project File
.PDT - Database file
.PDV - Printer driver
.PDVR - QuickDraw GX Drive
.PDW - Document
.PDX - Paradox Configuration File
.PDX - ProCite Database Keys
.PDX - Acrobat Acrobat Catalog Index
.PDX - Adobe PageMaker Printer Description
.PD_ - Visc15 Images Setup file
.PE - STI (Microsoft Symbol and Type Information)
.PE - PE (Portable Executable)
.PE3 - Image archive file
.PE4 - Image archive file
.PEA - PEAch text file
.PEA - PeaZip Compressed Archive File
.PEB - Program Editor bottom overflow file
.PED - Program Editor delete save file
.PEF - A RAW Image File
.PEG - Peggle Deluxe Replay File
.PEGN - Peggle Nights Replay File
.PEGW - Peggle World Of Warcraft Replay File
.PEGX - Peggle Extreme Replay File
.PEK - Adobe Peak Waveform File
.PEM - Program Editor macro
.PEN - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PEP - TurboProject Project File
.PEQ - Program Editor print queue file
.PER - Program Editor resident area file
.PERL - Perl source file
.PES - Program Editor work space file
.PET - Program Editor top overflow file
.PEX - Proboard Executable Program File
.PF - Encrypted file
.PF - Windows XP prefetch file
.PFA - PostScript Printer Font ASCII File
.PFB - PostScript Printer Font Binary File
.PFC - PF Component file
.PFC - Text file
.PFC - AOL Personal File Cabinet File
.PFD - SoftPro Real Estate Proform Document Format
.PFE - Programmers File Editor
.PFF - Paraform file for 3D modeling
.PFK - XTree Programmable function keys
.PFL - Family Lawyer Document
.PFL - PhotoFiltre Plugin
.PFM - Printer Font Metrics
.PFP - Panorama Factory project file
.PFR - PaintShop Pro File
.PFS - Database text file
.PFT - Printer font
.PFW - Symantec Shared Liveadvisor file
.PFX - Personal Information Exchange File
.PFX - First Choice Word Processing Document
.PF_ - Midiprg Encore compressed file
.PG - Page cut/paste file
.PGA - Solitaire Aztec Peg backup
.PGA - IBM Professional Graphics Adapter image
.PGB - Rayman2 file
.PGC - Portfolio Graphics Compressed image format
.PGC - Egypt Solitaire back
.PGD - Pretty Good Privacy : PGPdisk volume
.PGE - Solitaire Peg back
.PGF - Progressive Graphics File
.PGI - Printer graphics file device driver
.PGI - Video Recording Information File
.PGL - Plotter drawing
.PGM - Portable Graymap File Format
.PGM - Program file
.PGN - Portable game notation file
.PGP - Pretty Good Privacy Key/Signature File
.PGP - TBAV File
.PGP - Program Parameter
.PGP - AutoCAD Program Parameter
.PGR - Pretty Good Privacy : PGP Groups
.PGS - Manual page
.PGT - Menu File (DHTML).
.PGX - Visual Basic binary property page file
.PG_ - Midiprg Improve compressed file
.PH - Temporary file generated by Microsoft Help Compile
.PH - Optimized .goh file
.PH - Perl header file
.PH - Phrase-table
.PHB - ArcSoft PhotoBase picture file
.PHD - PolyHedra Database
.PHD - PC Help Desk File
.PHE - WinChess game record
.PHL - Amazon Kindle Popular Highlights File
.PHM - Pro Home Data File
.PHN - Phone list
.PHO - Phone database
.PHP - MS Picture It! Publishing Project File
.PHP - PhotoParade Slideshow
.PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor
.PHP3 - PHP (Version 3) Script
.PHP4 - PHP (Version 4) Script
.PHP5 - PHP (Version 5) Script
.PHR - Phrases
.PHT - Partial Hypertext File or see below phtml
.PHTM - HTML page that includes a PHP script
.PHTML - HTML with embedded PHP script
.PHTML - perl-parsed HTML
.PHX - Phoenix
.PHY - Spicemod Asic file
.PH_ - C Poet compressed Disk1 file
.PI - Image Japan PI
.PI - Blazing Paddles image format
.PI$ - Compressed PIF File
.PI1 - Low resolution picture file
.PI2 - Portrait Innovations Picture File
.PI3 - High resolution picture file
.PI4 - Atari Degas: Degas image file
.PI5 - Atari Degas: Degas image file
.PI6 - Atari Degas: Degas image file
.PI? - 2D Graphic
.PIC - Lotus Picture
.PIC - PC Paint Bitmap
.PIC - Macintosh PICT Drawing
.PIC - Picture
.PIC - QuickTime Picture
.PICIO - PIXAR picture file : Bitmap graphics
.PICNC - Houdini 3D Compositing Image
.PICS - PICT Animation
.PICT - Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing
.PICT1 - Image Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
.PICTCLIPPING - OS X Picture Clipping File
.PICTOR - PC Paint image file
.PID - Unix : Process ID file
.PIE - Pie.Application open with: PIE.EXE
.PIF - Program Information File
.PIF - IBM PIF Drawing
.PIG - WAD file
.PIM - PIM Compressed Archive File
.PIM - Ultimate Draw : Pascal text mode image file
.PIM - PixMaker Project File
.PIM - personal information manager file
.PIN - Data file
.PINS - Password file of the program PINs, Passwords
.PIP - Bitmap Picture
.PIQT - Quicktime still
.PIS - PS2DIS Project File
.PIT - PackIt Compressed Macintosh Archive
.PIV - Pivot Stickfigure Animation
.PIX - Bitmap
.PIX - Alias image file
.PIXAR - PIXAR picture file : Bitmap graphics
.PIZ - Zipped File
.PI[1-6] - Degas / Degas Elite image format
.PI_ - Compressed Pic file
.PJ - CA-SuperProject Project file
.PJ - Source Integrity file
.PJ4 - electric quilt
.PJ4 - DAVKA PJ4 Hebrew Document File
.PJ5 - electric quilt
.PJ5 - DAVKA PJ5 Hebrew Document File
.PJL - ProCite Term Lists and Journal Title Lists
.PJL - Printer Job Language File
.PJT - Visual FoxPro Memo File
.PJX - Visual FoxPro Project File
.PJXL - HP PaintJet XL PCL graphics file : Bitmap graphics
.PK - Packed bitmap font file
.PK2 - Silkroad Online Game Data File
.PK3 - American McGee Alice Archive
.PK3 - Quake III Engine PAK File
.PK3 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein PAK File
.PK3 - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (MoH:AA)
.PK4 - Compressed Pack (Pak) / ZIP file
.PKA - Compressed Archive File
.PKA - Cisco Packet Tracer Activity File
.PKB - QuickPOS (Point-Of-Sale) Keyboard Layout File
.PKD - Turbo Pascal Dos compressed Batch file
.PKF - Encryption Key File
.PKG - Developer Studio application extension
.PKG - Installer script
.PKG - Mac OS X Installer Package
.PKG - Sony PlayStation Package File
.PKG_ - Newton Package
.PKH - Oracle Package File
.PKO - PublicKey Security Object
.PKP - Msdev Common Ide Pakage Project file
.PKPAK - Archive
.PKR - Public Keyring
.PKS - Oracle Package Spec File
.PKT - Packet Tracer Network Simulation File
.PKZ - Winoncd Images Mask file
.PL - Perl Script
.PL - Prolog Source Code
.PL - Harvard Palette
.PL - TeX Font Metrics
.PL0 - 3D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan
.PL1 - Room plan
.PL2 - 3D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan
.PL3 - Chart palette
.PL4 - Micrografx Designer Palette
.PLA - ArchiCAD Archive
.PLA - Playlist File
.PLACE - Placeholder file
.PLASMA - Plasma fractal image
.PLATFORM - Topsy file
.PLAYER - The player 4.0 (music/sound)
.PLAYER - player 6.1 formats music/sound (Asle / ReDoX)
.PLAYLIST - PowerDVD Playlist
.PLAYSET - Souptoys Playset File
.PLB - Adobe Premiere Library File
.PLC - Add-in file
.PLD - PLD2 Source File
.PLD - PhotoDeluxe PhotoLine image document
.PLE - Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log File
.PLEX - Visual Perl file
.PLG - Microsoft HTML Form
.PLH - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PLI - Data description file
.PLIST - Mac OS X Property List File
.PLK - Op9630 Am32 file
.PLL - Pre-linked library file
.PLM - Module
.PLN - Spreadsheet
.PLN - ArchiCAD Project File
.PLOT - Unix Plot(5) format : Vector graphics
.PLP2 - Persuasion
.PLP3 - Persuasion
.PLR - Pilot file
.PLS - Shoutcast File
.PLS - PlayList File
.PLS - Perl Script
.PLSC - Messenger Plus! Live Script File
.PLSK - Messenger Plus! Live Skin Pack
.PLT - Drawing
.PLT - Plot drawing
.PLT - Palette
.PLT - Pre-linked transfer file
.PLT - Sign-making software
.PLTN - Appearance Theme
.PLUG - Plug-In
.PLUGIN - Mac OS X Application Plug-in
.PLW - PicoLog Data File
.PLX - PERL programming language script
.PLY - Data file
.PLY - Presentation screen
.PLZ - Presentation LOTUS Freelance
.PM - Bitmap graphic file
.PM - Perl Module File
.PM3 - Document
.PM4 - Document
.PM5 - PageMaker Document
.PM5F - PageMaker
.PM6 - PageMaker 6 Document
.PM? - PageMaker Document
.PMA - Windows NT Performance Monitor Alert
.PMB - Picture; Bitmap/tbv
.PMB - Polar Monitor Bitmap Image File
.PMC - Windows NT Performance Monitor Chart
.PMC - A4Tech Scanner Image
.PMD - Adobe PageMaker 7.x file
.PMDH - Pegasus Mai
.PME - Plazmic Media Engine File
.PMF - Movie File
.PMG - Paint Magic image format
.PMG - Pagemaker Group File (EPS graphic)
.PMI - Pegasus Mail Message Folder Index File
.PMI - OS/2 : Program manager information
.PMJ - 3D Digital Scanner File
.PMJX - 3D Digital Scanner File
.PML - Windows NT Performance Monitor Log File
.PML - PADGen Program Information
.PML - Pegasus Mail Distribution List
.PMM - Program file
.PMP - VideoCraft GIF Animator Project
.PMR - Windows NT Performance Monitor Report
.PMT - Photomodeler Lite Tutorials file
.PMW - Windows NT Performance Monitor Workspace
.PMX - PageMaker document (x=ver.)
.PM_ - Midiprg Musicato Musicat.zit compressed file
.PN3 - Printer device driver
.PNA - PhatNoise Audio File
.PNC1 - Norton Utilities
.PNCH - RealPlayer Channel
.PND - DATAIR Pension System Pending File
.PNDD - Norton Disk Doctor
.PNDE - Norton Disk Edi
.PNF - Windows Precompiled Setup Information
.PNFC - FileSaver Data File
.PNFD - Norton FileSaver Data
.PNFF - Norton Fast Find
.PNFL - Norton Floppier
.PNFV - Norton FileSaver Volume
.PNFX - Norton FileSaver Index
.PNG - Portable Network Graphics
.PNGF - PNG Imagereionente Fippng
.PNG_ - PNG Imagereionente Fippng
.PNL - PaNeL file
.PNM - Portable aNY Map graphics
.PNNB - Norton Backup
.PNNE - Norton Encrypt
.PNNU - Norton Utilities
.PNPROJ - Programmer's Notepad Project File
.PNPT - Programmer's Notepad Project Template
.PNQ - ICQ (Instant messaging)
.PNRA - RealPlayer Filente Fippra
.PNRM - RealPlayer Filente Fipprm
.PNS - Popnoggin Subject File
.PNS - Pelco PNS CCTV Video File
.PNSD - Norton Speed Disk
.PNSI - Norton System Info
.PNST - RealAudio Preference File
.PNST - RealAudio
.PNT - MacPaint Graphic File
.PNTG - MacPaint Graphic File
.PNUE - Norton Open Unerase
.PNVR - Norton Open Volume Recov
.PNWI - Norton Wipe Info
.PNZ - Panorama Database Set
.PO - CONFIG 915E file
.POA - Fifa World Cup game data fe art Legalscr file
.POB - Punch! 3D CAD Graphic File
.POC - PocoScript File
.POCO - Apple Guide
.POD - Text
.POF - Descent Robot Definition File
.POG - PIG file extension
.POH - Optimized .goh file
.POK - ZX SPECTRUM emulator
.POL - Windows NT Policy file
.POL - 3D polygonal modeling file
.POLICY - Javasoft Jre 1.3 lib security file
.POO - INITeX : String pool
.POOL - TeX messages file
.POP - Popup file
.POP - Message index
.POR - Painter4 file
.POS - QuickPOS IIF File (see IIF above)
.POS - ProCite Output Styles
.POS - Poster
.POSTAL - TomTom Postal Code File
.POT - MS PowerPoint Template
.POTM - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Template (Macro Enabled)
.POTX - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Template
.POV - Persistence of Vision file
.POW - Chord chart
.POWER - Goo Picture Library
.PP - Compressed Amiga archive
.PP$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk6 file
.PP2 - Poser Prop File
.PP2 - PingPlotter Data File
.PP4 - Bitmap
.PP5 - Micrografx Picture Publisher file
.PPA - PowerPoint Add-in
.PPAM - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Add in (Macro Enabled)
.PPB - Button bar for print preview
.PPC - Game: Uefa champions league file
.PPF - Pinnacle Program File
.PPI - MS PowerPoint Graphics File
.PPJ - Adobe Premiere Project File
.PPK - PPK : Archive (many distributives)
.PPL - PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver
.PPL - Free Pascal - Dynamic Library
.PPM - Portable Pixelmap bitmap
.PPM - Flipnote Studio Animation File
.PPM_B - Nokia PPM Flash File
.PPNT - PowerPoint
.PPO - Pre-processed output file
.PPOT - PowerPoint Template
.PPP - Serif Page Plus Project File
.PPP9 - PowerPoint Wizard
.PPS - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show
.PPS - Paint Shop Pro Image
.PPSM - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Show (Macro Enabled)
.PPSS - PowerPoint Slide ShowFppt
.PPSX - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Show
.PPT - Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PPT - Page-Plus Template
.PPT3 - PowerPoint v3 Presentation File
.PPTM - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2007+) Presentation (Macro Enabled)
.PPTV - PowerPoint Viewer
.PPU - Free Pascal Compiled Unit File
.PPW - Micrografx Picture Publisher wizard
.PPX - Serif PagePlus Publication
.PPX - SASIxp Print Preview File
.PPZ - PowerPoint Packaged Presentation
.PPZ9 - PowerPoint Wizard
.PQ - Adobe Pagemaker Default Printer Style
.PQB - Master boot backup file
.PQF - Corel Presentations Runtime
.PQG - Rescue Me Os2dos file
.PQHERO - Puzzle Quest Saved Game
.PQI - PowerQuest Drive Image File
.PQW - Corel Presentations Runtime
.PQX - Power Quest Drive Image Index
.PR1 - Packrat 4.0 : Data file
.PR2 - Presentation
.PR2 - Printer driver
.PR3 - Postscript printer driver
.PR3 - Presentation
.PRB - xyAlgebra Probabilities File
.PRC - 3Com Palmpilot Resource File
.PRC - Corel Presentations Palette
.PRD - Printer driver
.PRDG - Elastic Reality Project
.PRE - Presentation
.PRE - Settings
.PREF - Preference File
.PREFPANE - Mac OS X System Preference Pane
.PREL - Premiere Elements Project
.PREP - AMBER PREP chemical modeller input file
.PRER - Printer Driver
.PRES - Chooser Extension
.PRF - Macromedia Director Settings File
.PRF - Outlook Profile
.PRFL - Netscape User Profile
.PRG - Program source files
.PRG - Program file
.PRH - HomeSite 3.0 Project
.PRH - Cold Fusion Studio 3.1 Project
.PRI - Printer definitions
.PRJ - 3DS Max Project File
.PRK - CampgroundMaster/ResortMaster Database
.PRL - seldom used for .pl = perl source file
.PRL - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PRM - MYOB Premier file
.PRM - Parameter file
.PRM - Adobe Premiere Plugin File
.PRMR - Premiere
.PRMT - PrintMonitor
.PRN - Page Layout File
.PRN - Windows Printer file
.PRN - Printer driver
.PRN - Text file
.PRND - PageMaker 7.0 file
.PRO - Source code file
.PRO - Configuration file
.PRO - Graphics profile file
.PRO - Project file
.PRO - Punch! Home Design File
.PRODUCT - Norton Ghost file
.PROF - MW Profiler
.PROF - Metrowerks Profile
.PROF - ColorSync Profile
.PROFILES - Amaya config file
.PROFIMAIL - ProfiMail Settings File
.PROG - CD Remote Program File
.PROG - Cakewalk Sonar Beatscape Preset Program File
.PROJ - NeXT : Project File (Interface Builder)
.PROJ - THINK Project
.PROJ - Localized Project
.PROMIZER - Promizer v0.1/v1.0c/v1.8a/v2.0/v4.0 formats
.PROPDESC - Microsoft Property Description File
.PROPERTIES - Netscape Communicator java classes file
.PROTO - Windows Amaya File
.PROTO - Protocol Buffer Document Type Definition File
.PRP - Data conversion saved project file
.PRPROJ - Premiere Pro Project
.PRR - Perfect Resume : The Perfect Resume data file
.PRS - Harvard Presentation File
.PRS - Printer resource font file
.PRS - Procedure file
.PRS1 - Persuasion 2 Presentation
.PRS2 - Persuasion 2 Presentation
.PRST - Photoshop Settings File
.PRT - Printer Output File
.PRT - Printer driver
.PRT - Part file
.PRT - Unigraphics CAD file
.PRT1 - Persuasion 1 Slide
.PRT2 - Persuasion 2
.PRTC - OmniPage
.PRTL - Adobe Premiere Title File
.PRV - Internet provider template file
.PRV - VUE Collection Database File
.PRVKR - Pretty Good Privacy : Private keyring
.PRW - Artlantis Shader Preview File
.PRX - Compiled program
.PRZ - Graphics file
.PR_ - (compressed) project file
.PS - Postscript Formatted File
.PS - PostScript File
.PS0 - PS/2 file
.PS1 - Windows PowerShell Cmdlet
.PS16 - Protracker Studio 16 Format
.PS2 - text/graphics: Adobe Level II PostScript document
.PS3 - text/graphics: Adobe Level III PostScript document
.PSA - GNU PSA.OUT : Archive (Pretty Simple Archive)
.PSA - Photoshop Album
.PSAR - PSP Update File
.PSB - Sound Bank file
.PSB - Adobe Photoshop Large Image Document
.PSC - Paint Shop Pro Presets file
.PSD - Adobe Photoshop Image Document
.PSE - Bitmap graphic file
.PSEG - IBM printer Page SEgment : Bitmap graphics
.PSF - Chiwriter PostScript Printer Font
.PSF - PhotoStudio Graphic
.PSG - Page Segment File
.PSH - Photodex Slide Show
.PSI - A-law audio file
.PSI2 - Works 2
.PSI2 - MS Works 2.0 PSI2_text
.PSID - Sidtune file formats (Word)
.PSID - Picture / text
.PSID - ascii file : Postscript image data (text/graphics)
.PSIN - PS-GVB Input chemical modeller input file
.PSION - Psion a-law audio : Sound
.PSIP - MS Works 1.1 PSIP_text
.PSK - Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh
.PSL - Accellera Property Specification Language Source Code File
.PSM - Studio module
.PSM - Sound data file
.PSM - Symbol table of IDE
.PSM - Solid Edge Sheet Metal Design File
.PSN - Sound Script : Presentation file
.PSOUT - PS-GVB Output chemical modeller input file
.PSP - Paint Shop Pro Image
.PSP - CodeWright Project Space File
.PSP - Prodea Synergy
.PSP - Project Scheduler Planning File
.PSPIMAGE - Paint Shop Pro Image
.PSPT - Apple File Exchange
.PSQ - Postscript Graphic
.PSR - Report file
.PSS - Adobe Type Manager PostScript stub
.PST - Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder File
.PST - Ulead Pattern
.PSV - Playstation 2 Save File
.PSW - MS WinXP Password Backup File
.PSW - Paint Shop Pro Straw Wall Preset
.PSW - Print Shop Deluxe File
.PSW - Pocket Word Document
.PSX - Dirty Little Helper Chat File
.PSY - PLD2 System File
.PSZ - Creaf Awedip Doc file
.PT - Pop!site; HTML
.PT - Player Tools game crack
.PT - Pitch Track sound
.PT - Kodak Precition Color Management System
.PT3 - Device driver
.PT3 - Template
.PT4 - Template
.PT5 - PageMaker 5 Template
.PT6 - PageMaker 6 Doc Template
.PTB - Peachtree backup file
.PTB - Script file
.PTB - Table file
.PTC - Abbyy Finereader 5.0 pro file
.PTD - LiveNote Portable Transcript document
.PTD - Table file
.PTE - Pop!site
.PTE - Picture to Exe Project file
.PTF - LiveNote Portable Transcript file
.PTF - ProTracker Tennis Match file
.PTF - Sony PSP Theme File
.PTH - Path
.PTH - PlayStation PSP Theme File
.PTI - PTI-Plugin : Graphics
.PTI - Pop!site
.PTIF - Pyramid encoded TIFF : Bitmap graphics
.PTK - Quicken Intuit Online Data File
.PTL - Petal file
.PTL - Corrupt File
.PTL - Adobe Premiere Title File
.PTM - Macro
.PTM - Music module
.PTN - PaperPort Thumbnail
.PTP - C Poet Examples Advanced file
.PTP - PFTrack Project File
.PTR - QWK reader pointer file
.PTS - Abbyy Finereader 5.0 Pro file
.PTT - Context4 DOS Print File
.PTU - Performer Terrain Utilities
.PTX - RealLegal Portable E-Transcript Viewer File
.PTY - Rational Rose 98 : Properties
.PTZ - E-Transcript Bundle
.PT__ - Kodak Precision File
.PUB - Microsoft Publisher Document
.PUB - PGP Public Key Ring
.PUB - Ventura Publisher Document
.PUB - Aldus PageMaker Document
.PUB - First Publisher Document
.PUB - The Sims Family Data
.PUBF - PageMaker 2 Document
.PUBKR - Pretty Good Privacy : Public key ring
.PUD - Map file
.PUF - Puffer Encrypted File
.PUL - Dinfo file
.PUP - PlayStation 3 Update File
.PUP - Puppy Linux DotPup Installer Package
.PUT - Compressed Archive File
.PUZ - Puzzle
.PUZ - AcrossLite Crossword Puzzle FileAcrossLite
.PUZ - BrainsBreaker Puzzle : Puzzle file
.PUZ - Across puzzle
.PUZZ - X11 Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.PUZZLE - X11 Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.PV - Phase Vocorder : Analysis data
.PVC - Panasonic VM1 Voice File
.PVD - Script file
.PVE - GoBeProductive Document
.PVG - Ms Encarta World Atlas Pushpins
.PVJ - ProofVision Job Ticket File
.PVK - Msdev Common Ide resources file
.PVL - Instalit Library File
.PVL - Motorola Phone Photo
.PVM - Parallel Virtual Machine
.PVM - HP Photo Album
.PVM - Photo Video Index File
.PVR - Starview PVR Video File
.PVR - POWERVR Texture File
.PVS - Parallels Desktop Configuration File
.PVT - Local pointlist
.PVTU - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Unstructured Points
.PVU - PaleoVu : Paleoenvironmental data
.PW - Text file
.PWA - Password Agent File
.PWC - PictureTaker File
.PWD - Word document
.PWD - Print Workshop Design File
.PWF - ProCite Workforms
.PWI - Word Mobile Document
.PWL - Password list file
.PWN - Pawn Source Code
.PWP - Image file
.PWP - Text document
.PWREP - Password Repository File
.PWRK - Image Apple IIGS
.PWS - Print Workshop Image
.PWZ - PowerPoint wizard
.PX - Primary database index
.PX - Pixel image format
.PX1 - Image Pixel Paint
.PX5 - Plug-In File
.PXA - Pixia Color Painter File
.PXA - Image Pegs
.PXB - Image Pixibox
.PXD - eJay Mixer File
.PXE - Partial XML Envelope
.PXI - $$D2K.PXI
.PXI - PlexTools CD/DVD File
.PXJ - Pixtran file
.PXL - Microsoft Pocket Excel Spreadsheet
.PXM - Pixel Magician native format : Bitmap graphics
.PXN - Twain32 file
.PXN - Pixtran file
.PXP - 3D Studio Process file
.PXR - Pixar Image File
.PXS - Image Pegs
.PXT - Nte2000 file
.PXT - Microsoft Pocket Excel Template File
.PXV - Pixbend Media File
.PXW - Pixtran file
.PY - Saved emessages
.PY - Python Script file
.PYC - Python Compiled script file
.PYD - Python Dynamic Module
.PYM - Python Macro File
.PYO - Python Compiled File open with: python.exe
.PYW - Python NoCon File open with: pythonw.exe
.PZ - Png file /compressed
.PZ2 - Poser Pose File
.PZ3 - Poser Scene File
.PZD - Default settings
.PZI - Pizazz Plus Graphics File
.PZIP - ZIP Archive
.PZL - Unix Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.PZL - Lode Runner Puzzle Set
.PZM - GraphPad Prism
.PZO - Overlay file
.PZP - Palette
.PZS - Settings
.PZT - Transfer file
.PZX - Swap file
.PZZ - Curious Labs Compressed Poser File
File Extensions Found
Common Files
File Categories