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Listing of file extensions starting with the letter L
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.L - Source code
.L - Linker directive file
.L - Game of Life Data File
.L64 - 64LAN Image File
.L6T - Line 6 Tone File
.L95 - Lib file
.LA - Netscape packetized audio / LiveAudio
.LA1 - Liquid Audio File
.LAB - Datafile
.LAB - Label file
.LAB - Mailing labels
.LABEL - Text image format
.LACCDB - Microsoft Access Locked Database File
.LAM - Streaming audio metafile
.LAN - Loadable module
.LAND - Userland Frontier
.LAO - MAC Scanner files
.LAR - Liquid Audio Passport
.LAR - Liferay
.LASR - XPress Printer File
.LASSO - Lasso Database-Driven Web Page
.LATEX - LaTeX Source Document
.LAV - Listlabl file
.LAVS - Liquid Audio Secured Download
.LAX - AnetHelpTool JavaHelp viewer file
.LAY - Word Chart layout
.LAY - Clipart file
.LA_ - Databook ti file
.LB - Novanew file
.LBD - Grafic Fli file
.LBG - Label generator data
.LBI - Dreamweaver Library File
.LBL - Label
.LBM - InterLeaved BitMap File
.LBM - Linear Bitmap graphics
.LBO - Compiled label
.LBR - Compressed Archive File
.LBR - Display driver
.LBS - Omnis Studio Application File
.LBT - FoxPro Label
.LBV - Tonline Ob4hbci Layout Print file
.LBW - dxsdk lib file
.LBX - FoxPro Labels
.LBZ - compressed LBM image
.LC - Textbridge Classic Bin file
.LCB - Living Cookbook Backup
.LCD - ABBYY Finereader 4.0 Sprint file
.LCF - Linker control file
.LCF - ArchiCAD Library Container File
.LCFL - Language Support File
.LCH - Network response time monitor file
.LCK - Lockfile
.LCL - Datafile
.LCLW - Claris Works Art Library
.LCM - Lipikar Custom Map File
.LCN - Lection document
.LCS - Data History file
.LCW - Spreadsheet
.LD - Long distance area codes file
.LD1 - Overlay file
.LDA - LaserData Image Format
.LDB - Microsoft Access Lock File
.LDB - TrueVector Log Database
.LDC - Steuer2001 file
.LDD - Laser Dispatch Data
.LDD - LEGO Digital Designer File
.LDF - Library definition file
.LDI - LDIF file (address book interchange format)
.LDIF - LDAP (Data Interchange Format) File
.LDL - Library
.LDM - VolumeViz Multi-Resolution Volume File
.LDR - Symantec Ghost template file
.LDS - Corel40 Programs Data file
.LDW - Virtual Villagers Saved Game
.LD_ - Visc15 Adressen Setup file
.LE - Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender)
.LE$ - Basic Vb file
.LEAD - wavelet compressed format image format
.LEG - Legacy document
.LEN - Sheffield dictionary file
.LEO - DICTWB file
.LES - System game profiles
.LET - Broderbund CreataCard Letterhead file
.LET - Genesis 2000 mortgage application file
.LET - Letter
.LET - Unknown photo image
.LEV - Level file
.LEV - Map File
.LEX - Spelling Checker Dictionary
.LEX - Lexmark Printer Install File
.LE_ - Basic Vb compressed Disk1 file
.LFA - LifeForm File
.LFD - Data resource file
.LFD - MagicInfo Express Content Creator File
.LFF - LucasFilm Format image format
.LFIL - True Type Font
.LFM - LifeForm File
.LFP - LaserForms Plus file
.LFT - Loft file
.LFT - Laser printer font
.LG - Logo procedure definition
.LGA - Windows Applog file
.LGC - Application log file
.LGC - SimpleK Database File
.LGD - Application log file
.LGE - Windows Application Log
.LGF - Windows Application Log
.LGG - Win Applog file
.LGH - Windows Applog file
.LGI - Windows Applog file
.LGI - Multimedia Logic File
.LGJ - Win Applog file
.LGK - Windows Applog file
.LGL - Windows Applog file
.LGL - Large Graph Layout File
.LGM - Windows Applog file
.LGN - Windows Applog file
.LGO - Logo file
.LGO - Header and footer logo
.LGO - Startup logo
.LGP - Win Applog file
.LGP - Gnu licency text file
.LGP - Archive File
.LGQ - Win Applog file
.LGR - Windows Applog file
.LGS - Windows Applog file
.LGT - Urban Chaos Game File
.LGZ - Windows Applog file
.LH - Morph file
.LHA - Compressed Archive File (LZH)
.LHARC - Archiv
.LHS - Literate Haskell source code
.LHW - Compressed Amiga archive
.LHZ - Compressed file archive
.LI$ - MS compressed LIB; decompress with UNPACK.EXE
.LIB - Library
.LIBR - Shared Library
.LIB_ - THINK C Library
.LIC - License File
.LICENSES - Visual Studio Licensed Classes
.LICX - Visual Studio License
.LID - Quicken ace Quicken 2002 Deluxe file
.LIF - Logical Interchange Data
.LIF - Compressed Archive File
.LIF - TurboTax Information Achive File
.LIGHTWAVE - Objet Lightwave 3D (layered)
.LIM - Compressed Archive File
.LIN - Line type file
.LIN - Interactive music sequencing data file
.LINK - CodeWarrior Linker
.LINUX - File for Linux
.LINX - iPod Links Folder
.LIQ - Liquid Tracker Module
.LIS - Structured Query Report (SQR) Output
.LIS - Listing
.LISP - Lisp translators file
.LISPM - Bitmap image (Lisp Machine file)
.LIST - Blindwrite CD Copier File
.LIST - Property List
.LIST - Microsoft Recipient Lis
.LIST - Microsoft Mailing List
.LIT - Microsoft Reader eBook File
.LIV - LiveMotions file
.LIVEREG - Symantec Livereg file
.LIVEUPDATE - Norton Anti-Virus Update Settings File
.LIX - Logos Library System File
.LIX - ExtendSim Simulation Software Library File
.LIZ - Comprressed list file
.LI_ - Rukus file
.LJ - Text file
.LK - Database file
.LKO - Linked object
.LKU - T9000 linkable unit
.LL - Preview file List&Label LLVIEW.exe (combit GmbH)
.LL - Links Language template file
.LL3 - Document file
.LLB - National Instruments LabVIEW Library
.LLC - LapLink Saved Connection File
.LLD - Links Language Data file
.LLM - Linden Lab Mesh
.LLX - Exchange agent
.LM8 - Picture File
.LMA - Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio)
.LMAN - NT Services for Mac
.LMBS - Photoshop Filter
.LMD - Abbyy Finereader 4.0 Sprint file
.LMS - LenMus Score File
.LMU - RPG Maker Map File
.LMW - Lmw examples file
.LMX - Landmark Exchange File
.LN03 - Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
.LND - 3D Landscape Data
.LNG - Language extensions (Lahey Fortran)
.LNG - Language definition file
.LNG - Adobe Acrobat language plug-in vdkhome
.LNK - Windows File Shortcut
.LNK - Linker File
.LNM - Corel WordPerfect SGML alias
.LNT - LiveNote Transcript file
.LNX - Gen Linux file
.LNX - ROM Image File
.LO4 - Flight Data File
.LOC - Localisation String Resource Header File
.LOC - Locations File
.LOCAL - Xset Setup Program Bin File
.LOCK - .NET Framework Database Lock File
.LOCR - Location Manager Setting
.LOD - Load file
.LOF - TeX/LaTeX Auxiliary File for List Of Figures
.LOG - Log File
.LOG - TeX/LaTeX File
.LOG - Windows Registry Hive Log File
.LOG1 - Windows Registry Hive Log 1
.LOG2 - Windows Registry Hive Log 2
.LOK - Compressed Archive File
.LOP - Mastercook Layout File
.LOT - Auxiliary file for List Of Tables (LaTeX)
.LO_ - WINXP SYSTEM32 WBEM , Logs file
.LP - Lightscape Preparation File
.LP2 - iLEAP Word Processing Document
.LP7 - LP7 Digitally Signed File
.LPB - LP88 Linear Programming for the IBM-PC
.LPC - Printer driver
.LPD - Helix Nuts and Bolts file
.LPE - Layout Parameter Extrat netlist
.LPI - Information file for laser printers
.LPK - License Package
.LPROJ - Localized Project Folder
.LPT - LogPlot/LogView Compiled Log
.LQF - Leech FTP Save Queue File
.LQR - SQ Compressed LBR Archive
.LQT - Liquid Audio Music File
.LR - i.Mage file
.LRC - Video phone file
.LRC - Lyrics File
.LRF - Microsoft C++ Link Response File
.LRF - Sony eBook Reader Document
.LRG - Picture; Macromedia XRes multi-resolution bitmap
.LRP - IBM Works for OS/2 report
.LRS - Language resource file
.LRS - Librie Reader Source File
.LRT - Yacc log file
.LRU - Med profiles default file
.LRX - Sony eBook
.LS - Lightscape Solution File
.LS1 - Winhelp Source file
.LSA - LightScape Technologies ASCII data
.LSB - LightScape Technologies binary data
.LSC - Tune Smithy List of Muscial Scales
.LSD - Fifa World Cup game data environment file
.LSD - Lingvo Dictionary File
.LSF - Logos library system file
.LSI - Corel Layout Specification Instance SGML
.LSI - Audio
.LSL - Saved library
.LSL - Script library
.LSL - LightScribe Label File
.LSN - MS Works File
.LSO - Logic Audio Song (Emagic)
.LSO - Bhv Tonstudio Platin file
.LSP - LISP Application Code File
.LSP - LANsurveyor Poll List
.LSR - LANsurveyor Report
.LSS - Spreadsheet
.LST - List File
.LST - Microsoft PowerPoint File
.LST - 1st Reader - Keyboard Macro
.LST - Ingres Dump List File
.LST - Oracle Spool File
.LST - Visual FoxPro Documenting Wizard List
.LST - LightScribe Label Template
.LSU - LANsurveyor Map
.LSV - Tonline Ob4hbci Layout Print file
.LSW - Golf Swapfiles file
.LSX - Streaming Audio/Video Shortcut
.LSZ - Adressmn Default.dbu file
.LS_ - Unix ls = dir file
.LT2 - Poser Light Set File
.LTB - Amma Lsb v1.0 file
.LTE - Adressmn file
.LTF - Frogans Shortcut File
.LTH - Roxio Label Creator - Theme File
.LTM - Form
.LTMC - Remote Access File
.LTN - CDROM driver file
.LTR - Letter File
.LTX - Mathematical text document (LaTeX)
.LTZ - Compressed Poser Light Set File
.LU - Library unit file
.LUA - Lua Source File
.LUCS - Amaya tools file
.LUE - Norton LiveUpdate Log File
.LUF - Lipikar Uniform Format File
.LUT - Osiris Prefs Colordir file
.LUXB - Lux Map File
.LVA - Logitech Video Effects Avatar
.LVF - Logitech Video Effects
.LVL - Miner Descent/D2 Level extension
.LVP - LView Pro image format
.LVP - Avaya Voice Player - Compressed Voice Audio File
.LVS - Layout Vs Schematic netlist
.LW4 - Lightwright File
.LWA - Lightwave Scene
.LWD - Lotus Works Document
.LWF - Wavelet graphics file
.LWFN - LaserWriter Font
.LWFN - Adobe Type 1 Font (PostScript font)
.LWFU - LaserWriter Utility
.LWI - Light Work Image image format
.LWLO - Layered Object file
.LWO - Lightwave Object
.LWOB - Object file
.LWP - Lotus Wordpro 96/97 File
.LWS - LightWave Scene
.LWSC - Scene file
.LWTP - LimeWire Theme Pack
.LWV - Microsoft Linguistically Enhanced Sound File
.LWZ - Linguistically enhanced sound file
.LXA - Microsoft SpeechEngines Lexicon file
.LXF - LEGO Digital Designer Model File
.LXFML - LEGO Digital Designer XML File
.LXO - LaserMaster Font
.LY - LilyPond File
.LYR - Layer file
.LYT - TurboTax Install Log File
.LYX - Latex/Lyx Document File
.LZ - lzip archive
.LZA - Animation
.LZCN - Remote Access Prefs
.LZCO - Remote Access Script
.LZD - Difference file for binaries
.LZF - 3DS Max Lens Effect Flare
.LZH - Compressed Archive File
.LZLG - Remote Access File
.LZM - Slax Module
.LZMA - 7-Zip Compressed File
.LZO - LZO Compressed File
.LZPF - Remote Access Prefs
.LZS - Compressed Archive File
.LZS - Data file
.LZW - Compressed Amiga archive
.LZX - Compressed Archive File
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