.LICX File Extension

Visual Studio License

Developer File
The LICX is used by a Visual Studio project in order to link licensed components used in the project to the actual license files needed by the components. This file is compiled by the LC.exe executable in order to generate the objects required to use the licensed components inside of a Visual Studio project. Without this file, any component being used by the project that requires a license would be unusable. Therefore, deleting this file can cause the unlinking of any project components.

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Comments (1)
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David Cross
2010-04-23 04:42:04
We have noticed that sometimes the license file is empty after and upgrade of infragistics components and is only populated when forms are displayed. Since the project is quite mature,and forms take a long time to display (many table adapters) we tend not to re-display the forms and end up storing empty license files into our configuration control system.

Is it possible to get a fuller explanation of their use. We have come to the conclusion that they are a way to ensure that each developer has the rights to use the components, and when a release is built the license entries seem to be written to the manifest file.