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Listing of file extensions starting with the letter X
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.X - Microsoft Direct-X SDK
.X - AVS Image
.X01 - Secondary index file
.X02 - Secondary index file
.X03 - Secondary index file
.X04 - Secondary index file
.X05 - Secondary index file
.X06 - Secondary index file
.X07 - Secondary index file
.X08 - Secondary index file
.X09 - Secondary index file
.X10 - Bitmap image (X Window dump)
.X11 - Bitmap image (X Windows system window dump)
.X16 - Macromedia Extra
.X20 - XTree (Gold) DOS Help File
.X32 - Macromedia Program Extension (32-bit)
.X3D - X3D 3D Model File
.X3D - Xara3D Project File
.X3F - Foveon X3F RAW format image.
.X40 - XTree Gold - DOS Help File
.X4M - TeamLinks Mail File Data
.X5 - Rockwell Software Logix 5 File
.X50 - XTree Gold DOS Help File
.X60 - XTree DOS Help File
.X64 - Commodore 64 Disk Image
.X70 - XTree (Gold) - DOS Help File
.X80 - XTree Gold (DOS) Help File
.X90 - XTree (Gold) (DOS) Help File
.XA - Sony Playstation audio files
.XA0 - XTree (Gold) DOS Help
.XAB - Microsoft Mail address book
.XAF - Microsoft Active VRML
.XAF - IMVU 3D Animation File
.XAML - Extensible Application Markup Language
.XANN - XANN Packer format (music/sound)(Asle / ReDoX)
.XAP - Compressed Silverlight Application
.XAR - Xara/Xara Xtreme Vector Image File
.XB0 - XTree (Gold) DOS (Help File)
.XBE - XBOX Executable File
.XBF - Data base file
.XBM - X Bitmap Graphic
.XBN - Cygnus ld-scripts file
.XBW - Crossword
.XBX - XBox CD Image File
.XC - Bitmap image (X server screen)
.XC0 - XTree Gold - (DOS) Help File
.XCEL - Excel File
.XCF - Gimp Bitmap image format
.XCI - XML Configuration Information
.XCK - Extended crack file (usually text)
.XCL - XTree Script
.XCM - Exported Concept Map File
.XCODE - Xcode Project
.XCODEPROJ - Xcode Project
.XCOF - Mac OS Object Library
.XCP - Compressed File
.XCU - OpenOffice.org Configuration
.XD - Ccs-lib.2 Examples Motif-cc file
.XD0 - XTree Golds DOS Help File
.XDB - Anti-Virus Update File
.XDCT - XPress Dictionary
.XDE - Tgif-3.0 file
.XDF - eXtended Density Format Image
.XDL - XML Schema
.XDL - Oracle Expert Definition Language File
.XDM - X-Windows Dump
.XDO - Animation Formula Graphics
.XDOC - Xpress file
.XDOC - XPress 3 Layout
.XDOC - Xerox ScanWorX and Textbridge OCR File Format
.XDP - XML Data Package
.XDR - XML data reduced file
.XDW - Fuji Xerox DocuWorks File
.XE0 - XTree Golds (DOS) Help File
.XEA - Encrypted Archive File
.XEC - Afaria
.XED - XED chemical modeller input file
.XED - XED chemical modeller output file
.XEF - eManager Form Data
.XEF - WinAce Encrypted File
.XEM - eManager Metered Units
.XEM - PowerDesigner Model definition File
.XEN - Guitar Hero Song File
.XEN - Xenu Document open with: XENU.EXE
.XEP - eManager File Packaging Information
.XES - eManager Skins Definition
.XET - eManager Process Definition
.XEV - eManager Auto-Update File
.XEX - Xbox 360 Executable File
.XEZ - eManager Template Package
.XFD - XML Form in XFD Format
.XFD - Acu4GL Extended File Description
.XFD - Atari Disk Image
.XFDF - Acrobat Forms Document
.XFDL - Embedded PureEdge Form
.XFDL - XML Form in XFDL Format
.XFI - Latex Figures file
.XFL - Flash Movie Archive
.XFM - Cooledit 1.50 file
.XFM - Coolwave 2000 file
.XFN - Xerox Printer font file
.XFN - Printer font file
.XFO - XSL-FO Formatted Form
.XFR - Ventura Publisher bitmap editor font file
.XFS - eRacer Sound File
.XFT - Printer font file
.XFT - XML Forms Template
.XFX - Fax Document
.XG0 - Database Index; Paradox secondary index;
.XG1 - Database Index; Also XG2, XG3...
.XG2 - Database Index; Also XG3...
.XG3 - Database Index; Also XG4...
.XGL - MegaBitz graphics language file
.XGZ - MegaBitz vector drawing
.XHT - Extensible HyperText Markup Language File
.XHTM - Extensible HyperText Markup Language File
.XHTML - Extensible HyperText Markup Language File
.XI - Instrument sample file
.XI - Instrument file
.XIB - Interface Builder File
.XIF - Wang imaging file
.XIF - Image file
.XIM - X11 Xim Toolkit bitmap
.XIP - HP95 Execute-in-place program
.XIP - Hotbar Image Compression Format
.XIP - Xbox Dashboard File
.XIX - IIS NNTP Subject Lists
.XL - Microsoft Excel for Apple Mac Spreadsheet
.XL$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk2 file
.XLA - Microsoft Excel Add-in
.XLA5 - Excel 5
.XLA8 - Excel 98 Add-in
.XLAM - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Add In (Macro Enabled)
.XLA_ - Excel 4 Add-In
.XLB - Microsoft Excel Toolbar
.XLB4 - Excel 4 Toolbar
.XLB5 - Microsoft Toolbar
.XLB8 - Excel 8 Toolbar
.XLBN - Excel 1
.XLBN - Excel 1 spreadsheet
.XLBN - Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet
.XLC - Microsoft Excel Chart
.XLC3 - Excel 3 Chart
.XLC4 - Excel 4
.XLC_ - Excel 2.2 Chart
.XLD - Microsoft Excel Dialogue
.XLDE - Dialog Edito
.XLF - XLIFF Document
.XLG - Xnetech Engraving Logo File
.XLGC - ExpressK Database File
.XLK - Microsoft Excel Backup
.XLL - Microsoft Excel add-in File
.XLL_ - Excel 4 Add-In
.XLM - Microsoft Excel Macro
.XLM3 - Excel Macro File
.XLM4 - Excel Macro File
.XLM_ - Excel Macro File
.XLNK - XML Shortcut File
.XLPF - Excel Setting File
.XLR - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet File
.XLS - MS Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLS3 - Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLS4 - Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLS5 - Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLS8 - Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLSB - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Non-XML Binary Spreadsheet
.XLSM - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Spreadsheet (Macro Enabled)
.XLSX - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Spreadsheet
.XLS_ - Excel Spreadsheet File
.XLT - Microsoft Excel Template
.XLT - Lotus Translation Table
.XLTB - DataViz Translator
.XLTM - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Template (Macro Enabled)
.XLTX - Microsoft Office Excel (2007+) Template
.XLV - Microsoft Excel VBA Module
.XLW - Microsoft Excel Workbook
.XLW3 - Microsoft Excel Workbook
.XLW4 - Microsoft Excel Workbook
.XLW5 - Microsoft Excel Workbook
.XLW_ - Microsoft Excel Workbook
.XM - Music module
.XMB - X-Wing Mission Briefing File
.XMCD - Mathcad Worksheet File
.XMCDZ - MatchCAD Compressed Worksheet
.XMD - GameJack Disc Image
.XMF - Milnta APL Transfer Function
.XMF - Extensible Music File Format
.XMF - GameJack Disk Image
.XMI - Compressed midi music
.XML - Extensible Markup Language
.XMLPER - LeCroy Binary Waveform File
.XMP - Spice Pspice Lib file
.XMPZ - Miradi XML Project File
.XMS - eXtended Memory Specification (XMS)
.XMT - XMT_auto_file open with: TriSpect.exe
.XMZ - XGL movie (MegaView)
.XMZ - SofTeach Secure Electronic Exam File
.XN - Cygnus ld-scripts file
.XNF - Network file
.XNK - Shortcut file
.XNT - Spice Pspice Lib file
.XOF - RenderMorphics
.XOL - Swiss Map Overlay
.XOL - PowerDesigner Object Language File
.XON - Datafile
.XOS - Xaos Tools bitmap image
.XOT - Xnetech Job Output File
.XP - System Util file
.XPC - ActionReplay Saved Code
.XPD - XML Pipeline Document
.XPD - PlayStation Store PSP License File
.XPG - Autoplay Media Studio Exported Page
.XPI - FireFox Web-browser Extension
.XPIX - Nonogram puzzle
.XPJ - Micro Planner X-Pert Project File
.XPK - Spice Pspice Library File
.XPK - XPK Player Compressed Audio
.XPK - Xscript Package
.XPL - Xset plugins file
.XPM - X PixMap File
.XPR - PressIt Disc Label
.XPR3 - EPS created by Xpress
.XPR3 - QuarkXpress 3
.XPR3 - Xpress (all versions)
.XPR3 - QuarkXPress
.XPS - Backup for xport .sps
.XPS - XML Paper Specification File
.XPT - Mozilla Firefox Component
.XPT - SAS Transport File
.XPW - Accessible FormNet Fillable Form
.XQT - Executable File
.XQT - Macro file
.XR - Cygnus ld-scripts file
.XR1 - Epic MegaGames Xargon game data
.XREF - Cross reference file (AIX as)
.XRF - Cross-reference file
.XRM-MS - Microsoft Security Certificate File
.XRP - RationalPlan Project File
.XRS - Realplayer Plugin Extresources file
.XSB - XQ-Xsetup backup file
.XSC - Schema for an XML file
.XSD - XML Schema File
.XSI - Softimage XSI 3D Image
.XSL - XML Stylesheet
.XSLT - XSL Transformation
.XSN - Form Template File
.XSPF - Shareable Playlist Format (XML)
.XSS - Ability Office - Spreadsheet
.XST - Tanner Ledit : Crossview data
.XSTB - TextBridge
.XSU - Fortran Libf77 file
.XSUM - Clapack file
.XSX - XML Schema Designer (Visual Studio) File
.XT - FastTracker music track
.XT* - Crosstalk Related File
.XTB - External translation table
.XTG - Quark Xpress 3.32 tags files
.XTM - Xtremsplit Data File
.XTMP - Xpress template
.XTMP - XPress 3 Template
.XTND - Acrobat Plug-in
.XTP - XTree Data file