.MOBI File Extension

Mobipocket eBook

Data File
The MOBI format was created by French company 'Mobipocket' and supports many standard features of HTML for text and image layout as well as formatting. MOBI files are used for distributing various types of electronic Publications, mostly e-Books.

Their format is a binary one and it also comes with support for JavaScript and native SQL queries.

Mobipocket was bought by Amazon in 2005 after Adobe Systems announced that they would cease to sell their e-Book software. Ever since, the MOBI format is synonymous with the Amazon Kindle.

How to open MOBI Files

Since most MOBI files are e-Books used for commercial purposes, they can also come with Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection. These type of files can only be opened on certain authorized devices such as the Amazon Kindle or by using authorized software.

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Comments (1)
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al Qodri
2011-04-25 11:30:31
How can I edit the words in a .mobi ebook file, I want to translate my books to my language directly as I read thee book - is it possible?