.M2S File Extension

Maxthon Browser Skin File

Configuration File
Files with the .m2s extension belong the web-browser 'Maxthon', a full-featured web-browser for the Windows operating system.

These .m2s files are used to change the default visual theme of 'Maxthon' and usually contain a collection of images and a settings file.

These files are archived in the standard zip format so can be extracted using an archiving program such as WinRAR, however they should primarily be opened by Maxthon by either double clicking the .m2s file or locating the file within your Maxthon browser by selecting view > skins > manage skins.

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Comments (6)
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2010-03-17 12:50:47
I'm currently searching my butt off to find out how I can open this kind of file, but I'm not finding anything to actually open them.
Any information would be great.

I did find a few links that say something about windows not reading it, or the file itself is broken; however, I scanned the file with AVG, and AVG returned with nothing wrong with it. If I find anything, I'll post more.
Jay /
2010-03-17 13:03:56
Hi, how did you come to have an .m2s file? Do you know what type of file it is, or what software created it?
2010-03-17 13:18:07
Hello Jay,

I came to have the file shortly after downloading Maxthon's web browser and searching for skins [Plain is BLAH, need something different.]. So I saved the file onto my desktop and went from there.

After googling for like 30 minutes, I found this webpage and then I googled 'Maxthon 2 Browser skin file' and a response from Wiki showed up and it told me exactly what I needed to unzip/upload the file as none other than WinRar or 7Zip.

That's what it said to create the skin with and if you create something with a program, that program can defiantly read that kind of file, so I simply googled WinRar.. and now I have WinRar [which is great because it can be used on zipped files and out of the 'ordinary' files], and I saved the skin to my folder, chose the folder and clicked on Extract.

It creates a new folder in the same place where you have the file, so it's no confusion.

Where I go from here, is beyond me, but I'll figure it out. One way or another!
2010-03-17 13:33:08
Well, I downloaded Maxthon, and wanted a skin since plain isn't for me.

So I googled for about 30 minutes and found this webiste, and seen "Maxthon 2 Browser skin file." And I googled that. A wiki answer came up and said WinRar or 7Zip can read it, so I downloaded that. It reads the file just fine, but I haven't figured out how to add it to my skins, just yet. I'm working on that right now.
2010-03-17 13:42:27
You don't need to be able to read the skin files in order to get them on your computer.
If you are using the .M2S files for the skins with Maxthon, just go to where the browser itself is.. then click on Skin and save them there. I think Maxthon reads them itself.

If you want to see them though, get WinRar or 7Zip, the programs will let you see what's contained in the file.

WinRar/7Zip is the program used to create the .M2S files.. I don't know the origin of the file or anything along those lines, but I do know what I stated above. Tested it myself :)

Hope this solves most of your answers for any future readers.
Jay /
2010-03-17 14:49:22
Hi, thanks for that - I'm sure it'll come in useful to someone very soon.