The .FDF file format is better known as the 'Forms Data Format', a format created by Adobe Systems which is used to export data from PDF documents.
When a user clicks the submit button on a PDF form, the information is extracted from the PDF and converted to the FDF format. This information (which is significantly smaller than the original PDF as it only contains the data) is then sent to a remote server, processed, and returned to the form.
To create a FDF file, select Advanced > Forms > Export Forms Data from the Acrobat menu.
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Comments (1)
2009-07-07 21:38:37
FDF stands for "Forms Data Format." FDF is a file format for representing form data and annotations that are contained in a PDF form.
The FDF format was invented by Adobe Systems Incorporated, and it is based on the PDF format. You can find a detailed specification for the FDF format in Adobe's PDF Reference.