.PSF File Extension

PhotoStudio Graphic

Image File
PhotoStudio is a powerful photo editing application featuring an array of advanced tools, filters and special effects.

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    Comments (3)
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    Robert Beeman
    2006-09-07 14:14:32
    I have a disk full of family pics that has a .PSF file extension, I have winXP with sp2 installed on my PC.

    How can I open these files and put them in a folder on my hard drive?

    I have Adobe photoshop elements and Picasa2 and Nero and Photos for Dummies but none of them will open the files.

    Advice from anyone would be appreciated.

    Jay /
    2006-09-07 15:32:08
    Hi Robert,

    You'll need to download PhotoStudio first, you can find a trial version of their software from:

    Once you know for sure that it is the correct file format (which it probably is), then you can either convert them all to a common format manually using the trial software, or download some software that will read through a folder and convert them for you automatically.

    I'm not exactly what software will let you do this, but the following software is a good place to start:

    Hope this helps in someway!?
    Hans Vorhauer
    2009-03-01 14:41:36
    To change a *.psf file to something readable like a *.jpg, go to "" and download the free converter, which changes a .psf file to a .jpg or other usable file format.

    Also does batch converting. It's also available on CNET, and has good reviews. I've used it and it works well and quickly.