.JTD File Extension

Ichitaro Document File

Data File
The .JTD file format is used by the popular Japanese word processing application, "Ichitaro" created by Japanese software firm, JustSystems.

Ichitaro is the second most popular word processing application in Japan, the top-spot is taken by Microsoft's Word.

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Comments (2)
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2010-04-02 04:40:47
I am trying to read a .JTD file. I live and work in Japan and am able to read Japanese. However, I found some old work left by a Japanese friend which he had done using Ichitaro Word Processing file extension .JTD

Naturally I cannot open ANY of them or find out how I can even convert them to a PDF file. There are so many files and I need help.

Quite lost, to say the least. Could you tell me what I should do in order to open/convert or edit these .JTD files, please?
2010-07-30 03:22:21
Hope you figured this out, but if you haven't, you should be able to open these files with