.FTW File Extension

Family Tree Maker File

Data File
FTW files are files that contain family tree data that is used exclusively by Family Tree Maker software. Family Tree Maker is a genealogy program that allows users to build and share their family tree with others. The FTW file will also contains user settings and other program and user information. Created by, Family Tree Maker is now available through The FTW file format has not changed.

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Comments (9)
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Evelyn Fraley
2008-05-26 15:59:11
I received an attachment from my cousin about family history and it is in email.ftw. How do I get ftw to be able to read it. Thank you.
2009-05-16 22:00:56
I have a file with extension FTW given to me by my sister. I do not have the original Family Tree Maker Software. Is there a way I can open this file?
Sue Nienaber
2010-05-25 16:29:04
I belong to but not Family Tree Maker. My cousin just sent me an .FTW file but I can't open it.

Can someone help me open it?
Steve Mitchell
2010-08-04 01:42:24
To add to an FTW file, a copy of Family Tree Maker is required.

Most other genealogy programs import .ftw files, so that is one way to modify them: import with another program that can add to the file.

To just view the files, there are utilities that do just that. Search Google for: view .ftw file and you will see several programs that are often $10 to $20 or some that are free.

You also can export from Family Tree Maker and send them the resulting .gedcom file.

Lots of programs can read .gedcom files. This is the least valuable tip of these three, because not all programs make the same kind of .gedcom file and you can lose things like any notes you put in, etc.

The GEDCOM standard procedure for extra fields is to ignore them, so you can lose data transferring that way of you are not careful and observant, though the majority of data will make it through.
George Griffin
2010-08-10 03:00:01
I have copied my FTW file to a DVD-RW disc. How does someone I send it to open and play it? How do I make it readable and workable to them? Will they be able to add future children to it?
Arlene Shillis
2011-03-20 01:14:54
I have a DVD RW from my old computer and I can't open the file. I do not have the original Family Tree maker. How can I open the DVD? I now have a windows Vista computer.
2011-03-31 21:55:05
Arlene, just download another genealogy program like PAF (personal ancestral file) from the Latter Day Saints website for free, install it and you should be able to open your FTW file in it.
2012-03-03 13:29:56
My cousin has sent me files using FTW extension; however, Family Tree Maker 2012 has an FTM extension. Tried to email files to him, but he could not open them. Any suggestions?
Joe Hoag
2012-03-10 17:39:02
I recived a cd that has my family tree on it but cannot open it. I recieved it in 08 and had a free famiy tree maker on my other coputer but it crashed on me. Now how can I get it to open for me?