.ENC File Extension

Encoded file

Encrypted File
An ENC file is often an encoded file that was created by IBM's Lotus 1-2-3 software application and may also be decoded by this program.

Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet program from Lotus Software (now part of IBM) and was IBM PC's first killer application; its huge popularity in mid-1980s contributed significantly to the success of IBM PC in the corporate environment.

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    Comments (12)
    showing 1-12
    2007-09-26 15:01:44
    How do you decode an avi.enc file? I'd really appreciate any help.
    2008-02-02 06:42:31
    I have a file with extention avi.enc which was encrypted by software >> smartCrypto(version 1.0.0)(supplier 18plue2) now I'm not able to decode a have the original file.

    kindly help me in this regard.
    Diptesh Samanta
    2008-05-30 04:12:50
    I have a file with extention "email_acst.enc" file. Pls let me know how can i open that file. Which software i can use for open this file?
    2008-06-24 14:49:05
    I have picture encrypted by software >> smartCrypto
    in my mobile Nokia6600!! This file is important to me, so please help.
    Jaynaz Jay
    2008-07-26 22:03:19
    I have a file which was encrypted long time ago using a software. I could not remember the software and now I could not decrypt it too.

    the file extension is '~.ENC'

    example : photo1.~enc

    please help me out, how can I decrypt it back?
    2008-10-15 17:44:05
    I have a file which was encrypted a long time ago using a cellphone software. I could not remember the software and now I could not decrypt it too.[athens2.jpg.enc]how can I decrypt
    2009-06-21 10:59:29
    I encrypted some of my photos using a software named SmartCrypto in my phone and I have forgotten the password.

    I have those encrypted photos in my computer but I can't open and view them. These photos have an .enc extension as photo.jpg.enc
    2009-08-14 10:24:14
    I encrypted some of my photos using a software named bestCrypto in my phone and I have forgotten the password.

    These photos have an .enc extension as photo.jpg.enc
    2010-03-23 08:52:36
    I encrypted some of my photos using a software named SmartCrypto in my phone and I have forgotten the password.

    I have those encrypted photos in my computer but I can't open and view them. These photos have an .enc extension as photo.jpg.enc
    2010-12-15 08:33:40
    I encrypted some picture on my Samsung i9000 by an application called PhotoHide. Suddenly I can not open these photos. Please help me to how decrypt these. The file ext is photo.jpg.enc
    2011-01-01 08:06:58
    I have some photos taken by a Nokia cellphone few years ago. These photos were encrypted using a symbian phone software that I had forgot the software name and the password.

    Now I open my memory card with a card reader on my pc, but I can't open and view it. It has an enc extension like photo .jpg .enc
    can someone please tell me how to open and view it?
    2011-03-07 17:50:54
    I have some photos taken by a Nokia cellphone few years ago. These photos were encrypted using a symbian phone software that I had forgot the software name and the password.

    Now I open my memory card with a card reader on my pc, but I can't open and view it. It has an enc extension like photo .jpg .enc
    can someone please tell me how to open and view it?